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Did you know that we are also an IUD Clinic?
To register for any of the below workshops put on my Alberta Health Services, view this link:
Intergenerational Trauma- Learning and Healing June 1, 2020 @ 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM In this session, you will be walked through some information about intergenerational trauma and how it has impacted the Indigenous peoples of Canada and societal imprints on a specific population. With this information participants will learn through questions, videos and examples and hopefully spark attendees to learn more. Attendees will also learn about a Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary Indigenous led program for youth that is challenging systems and creating space for healing. Teens in Trouble With the Law: What You Need to Know June 3, 2020 @ 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM This presentation will provide a general overview of the purpose, principles and procedures found in the Youth Criminal Justice Act, and will address a number of common misconceptions about the criminal justice system as it relates to youth between the ages of 12-17. Participants will gain an understanding of the ways in which youth in conflict with the law are treated differently than adults, with particular focus on the areas of diversion from the formal court process, bail, sentencing and youth records. Emotional Regulation Using Mindfulness June 4, 2020 @ 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Are you finding it difficult to find balance in this challenging time? Explore how, for most of us, our survival responses (fight, flight or freeze) are currently going haywire. Learn how mindfulness practices can help to regulate your childs emotions, boost immunity, decrease anxieties, improve focus, concentration, and improve our overall sense of well-being. Participants will be invited through guided mindfulness activities during the session. Mental health for highly sensitive teens; unique struggles for these emotional feelers June 9, 2020 @ 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Highly sensitive teens are often misunderstood by parents and teachers as they often have stronger emotional reactions. In this presentation, learn why this happens, and the necessary tools required to help these teens manage their emotions so they don't become derailed. Family Violence and Brain Development Jun 10, 2020 @ 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM This presentation will focus on helping parents and caregivers understand family violence and how trauma in children starting from gestation to adulthood affects their socioemotional and neurological brain development. The effects of changes in the brain can manifest in behavioural changes and adverse mental health concerns. Strategies to help parents, caregivers, and professionals recognize signs of childhood trauma, knowing when and where to seek help will be discussed. Strategies to engage in meaningful conversations and finding resources to prevent harm, build protective factors and support children exposed to domestic violence will also be provided. The Core Story of Brain Development: Learning, Growing, and Developing in Uncertain Times June 11, 2020 @ 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Even though it feels like the world has come to a strange stand still, children’s brains are still learning, growing, and developing. This session will provide information on brain development and how early life experiences, including COVID 19, are stored into a child’s brain and body. The session will explore how brain architecture is established early in life and supports life-long learning, behaviour, and health. Taming Anxiety Gremlins: Avoiding anxiety traps while promoting resilience June 11, 2020 @ 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Anxiety is at epidemic levels among children, teens, and adults. Individuals with ASD also have a high risk of developing anxiety. In this workshop, participants will learn about the nature of anxiety and how traditional ways of offering help may unwittingly worsen anxiety. Participants will also learn effective tools to help individuals manage anxiety to promote their resilience and overall well-being. Supporting a Smooth Transition into the 2020-2021 School Year June 15, 2020 @ 10:00 AM - Noon Since the closing of schools in mid-March due to the recent pandemic, school districts have offered at-home learning opportunities for all students (e.g., online, telephone check-ins, and/or course packages). Parents (in conjunction with their child’s school team) have been supporting their child‘s learning and social-emotional development during this time. Currently, the province continues to work with school authorities and education system partners on developing a comprehensive re-entry plan. This situation leaves many families wondering how they can support their child to transition smoothly into the 2020-21 school year regardless of the re-entry plan that is developed. Knowing that it will be important for parents to share student strengths and home-based strategies that have worked well with school teams, this presentation will be designed to provide families with effective tools and ways to share information to ensure a smooth and successful transition. Tools to be explored may include; slides, videos, creating books and memory boxes.
Things are opening up and we at Care in the Creek are taking precautions.
If you have your own mask or facial covering, please bring it and wear it during your appointment at Care in the Creek. More patients are attending in person appointments at Care in the Creek in addition to other services opening in our area. This means that the chance of spreading viruses also increases. We would like to protect our vulnerable patients and our staff members. We have purchased some local handmade masks for your use at the clinic if you do not own a mask. These cloth masks are cleaned after each use and will be supplied to our patients upon availability. Please understand that to supply each patient with a mask is costly, so we appreciate if you can bring your own. Thanks for your understanding with our new policy to wear a mask while attending your in person appointment at Care in the Creek. Smiling with your eyes will become a new skill and talent ;) Thank you to Harmke in Bragg Creek for custom making these cloth masks pictured here! Rehabilitation Advice Line – Vulnerable Albertans living with disabilities in the community have additional challenges accessing community supports during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our focus is on ensuring Albertans continue to get the care and support they need during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Starting today, a new Rehabilitation Advice Line, 1-833-379-0563, is available for Albertans over the age of 18 who: · Have existing disabilities related to neurological conditions (e.g., Parkinson’s, Spinal Cord Injury) · Have existing health conditions that affect muscles, bones, and joints – including those awaiting or recovering from surgery · Are recovering from COVID-19 The Rehabilitation Advice Line will be answered by Allied Health clinicians and will operate every day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Calls outside this time will be redirected to Health Link. Are you in need of respite?
Lauren Eaton, Owner of Rocky View Private Health Care has reached out to offer support. Please contact Lauren Eaton for more information at: [email protected] "As a company we have the idea and have done this with a couple of families so far. We have a couple of our workers that are offering free respite care for families. We go in for 1 or 2 hours to take care of a client whole the main caregiver can go out for a well needed break or to run errand sor go for a walk. This also includes we can take that client for a walk along paths now the weather is improving, go into the yard, or simply have coffee with them. We are setting up time slots for these volunteer hours. All our workers will have ppe on and supplied by us, will give a report to caregiver after session. We also complete full screening of our staff and clients before shift." |
February 2022
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